Personal Work
This is a place where I'm able to shoot free. No expectations and no clear direction.
Past and present will finally meet.
Minas Gerais - How I see it
After 10 years without visiting Brazil, I come back to my roots and was able to capture how i really see the state of Minas Gerais.
A place where people are humble, and the time passes slowly.
Darkroom Projects ( B&W)
Back when I started photography, Darkrooms was the place to be, artists and photographers alike would spend hours on a darkroom watching images appear on the paper inside the developer tray. These are some of my first images that started my love for the visual arts. That was when i trained myself to see before you press the shutter button.
There is nothing like seeing the big picture, and panoramas just do that.
I love the panoramic view of a landscape, even when sometimes the scene distortion is visible.
Most of the time i like to compare views, and its very intriguing to see the contrast between two places photographed in Panorama format.